Thursday, 23 June 2022

Family Court Judge Denial Fraud

My Email request for Court Bundle to ex-wife's Solicitor

I sent an email request in the format of cease and desist and serving as legal notice. Beneath is the copy of the email sent.

I note the last contact made to me was via email on the 9th of March with bundle for hearing on the 12th of March. I make note of no bundle or instruction dates for two day hearing provided as of yet.

I'm kindly requesting you provide a hard copy bundle as well as electronic email version as soon as possible along with court hearing dates along with acknowledgement of this email please.

I would also ask you to respect my right of my quite enjoyment.

I give you no permissions or anybody representing your client to contact out of the context of the children's proceedings or to add any additional instructions of informations to such letters addressed to my email or at my home address.

Any further contact outs the context of the children proceedings would be a trespass of my quite enjoyment.

In light of same I require that you cease and desist.

Let this document serve as legal notice
Yours sincerely

Ex-wife's Solicitors reply;
I note the contents of your email .

Kindly confirm how you wish us to liaise with you as the post we are sending you has been returned.

I await to hear from you

Yours sincerely

My reply
I note the contents of your email .

Please note the content of my requests in my email are very clear. To date you have chosen not to meet key areas of my requests of the content of the bundle requests and the court hearing dates.

Family Court Judge Denial Fraud with Court Bundle
Family Court, Court Bundle 
Click on the image to view the dates; The Court bundle was sent out in the post on the 29th of May 2018 by recorded delivery, and booked in on the 30th May 2018 of which I was at the Family court delivering my papers. So I was not at home to receive it. The Family court case started on the 31st of May 2018, so not only did I not have the Court bundle to read and prepare myself with, but I didn't have all the papers from the bundle to refer to either. 

The Judge was made aware of this fact, as I requested an adjournment. It was at this point that she the Family Court Judge committed a denial fraud by saying the case will continue right at the very beginning of the hearing. So denning me my right to a fare hearing by giving time to prepare myself appropriately. From memory, a 400 page document/bundle!
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads struggling, to all those Dads that took their lives because they couldn't handle not seeing their Children...
Happy Father's Day 2022
(5 mins 10 secs)

Set an Example for the Children to Follow and make a Better Tomorrow
~ #FatherlessBritain 
Save the World a Better Place Luciano
(6 mins 06 secs)

Fatherless Britain © copyright 2017 - 2024

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Fathers Day 2022 Fatherless Britain

 Father's Day 2022, devoted Dad releases recordings, damming evidence of #mothers guilt of #parentalalienation #5yrs on!

Mum, "I can also look for private accommodation, but would this disadvantage me in the bidding war? And I've told the boys, if we're close to Daddy's, they can get on the Bus go and come and stay at Daddy's as and when they want!"
(3 mins)

Mummy, "the boys aren't in any danger!"
(2 mins 45 seconds)

Full Video
(32 mins 33 secs)

Parental Alienation - In the eyes of the specialists
(15 mins 48 secs)

Dec 11, 2019 Specialists talk about Parental Alienation in interviews filmed on location at the PASG 2019 International Conference (Parental Alienation Study Group) in Philadelphia, USA, in September 2019. English and Icelandic subtitles available.

Due to #systematic #frauds from all of the agencies involved which equals to #state #frauds. #Father requested #theProtectionOfTheCrown via #IainDuncanSmith and #DominicRaab the deputy Prime Minister and Secretory of State for Justice who is a trained #lawyer so therefor, would know from detailed description in email, Father would be entitled to full protection of the Crown  

#FatherlessBritain #fathersday2021 #fathersday2022 #BritainNeedsFathers #BritainNeedsDads #parentalalienationawareness #childrensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthawareness #mens #suicideawareness
Neighbours Reference Letter Fatherless Britain

Set an Example for the Children to Follow and make a Better Tomorrow
~ #FatherlessBritain 
Save the World ~ Luciano
(6 mins 06 secs)

For details and full story go to page Father's Day 2021

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Protection of the Crown FatherlessBritain

Part of the Coronation of all Monarch's past and including our present day Queen. When her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the II took her oath on the 2nd of June 1953, the meaning in the oath taken, is to uphold Gods law and to protect the people they rein over. In modern day terms this in known as the protection of the Crown.

It's the only contract that the Monarch, the Queen has and signs with the people. She took the oath, kissed the Bible and signed the parchment copy of oath, binding her to the maintenance of the people and the laws of God.

The Governments website, is a resource in which any individual can source everyday information in relation to everyday living, and policies living within Britain the United Kingdom and more. This includes the laws of the land.

I challenge you to Google, or go to the Governments website and do a search for the Protection of the Crown.

Good luck!

In the first part of the Coronation, the taking of oath, an oath which binds her Majesty to the service of her peoples, and to the maintenance of the laws of God. The Queen escorted by the Bishop's as in ancient tradition, goes to the alter. There laying her hand upon the Bible, she reaffirms her oath saying, "the things which I have hear before promised, I will perform and keep, so help me God." She then kisses the Bible.

Her Majesty now signs parchment copy of the oath. This being the Queens only written contract with her people.

The taking of the oath
Arch Bishop:
Madam, is your Majesty willing to take the oath?

I am willing

Arch Bishop:
Will you solemnly promise and swear, to govern the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and of your position, and the other territories to any of them belonging to or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?

I solemnly promise, so to do.

Arch Bishop:
Will you to your power, cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?

I will.

Arch Bishop:
Will you to the upmost of your power, maintain the laws of God, and the true profession of the gospel, will you to the upmost of your power, maintain in United Kingdom, the Protestant reformed religion established by law, will you maintain and preserve the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine worship, discipline and government there of, as by law established in England. And will you preserve under the Bishop St Clergy of England, and to the Church's there committed their charge, for such rights and privileges, as by law do, or shall appertain to them, or any of them?

All this I promise to do.
So what has this got to do with Fatherless Britain
Fatherless Britain request for his right to the Protection of the Crown Request
(9 mins 25 secs)
Fatherless Britain Stands For (9 mins 55 secs)

PS: The information in this post is designed and written to be informative and helpful as per facts to anyone wishing to understand, or to who may have found themselves in such a precarious position, as do I. It is not meant to be received in a challenging fashion towards the her Majesty the Queen, or any member of Royal family and their position in modern day society, or used as such in any other way.
Fatherless Britain explains how Iain Duncan Smith and Dominic Raab wasn't interested, even suggesting in writing go to C.A.B
(11 mins 56 secs)

Set an Example for the Children to Follow and make a Better Tomorrow
~ #FatherlessBritain 
Save the World a Better Place Luciano
(6 mins 06 secs)

Fatherless Britain © copyright 2017 - 2024

Happy Birthday Son

  Happy birthday Jaja 😉  Love Dad ❤ "Happy birthday, son!" 17 today!   From a seed I planted, I did my best to feed, guide, love,...